auditory agnosia การใช้
- Music agnosia, an auditory agnosia, is a syndrome of selective impairment in music recognition.
- Patients with auditory agnosia can be unaware of their deficit, and insist that they are not deaf.
- An agnosia that affects hearing, " semantic-associative " form is investigated within the auditory agnosias.
- "Classical ( or pure ) auditory agnosia " is an inability to process environmental sounds, such as animal noises, industrial noises, or the like.
- Verbal deafness and auditory agnosia are disorders of a selective, perceptive and associative nature whereas cortical deafness relies on the anatomic and functional disconnection of the auditory cortex from acoustic impulses.
- In addition to verbal and nonverbal auditory agnosia, there are cases of auditory apperceptive agnosia where patients are unable to recognize music in the absence of sensory, intellectual, and verbal impairments.
- His condition was very rare because auditory agnosia for nonverbal sounds is usually associated with the right side of the brain . " M " was able to identify familiar Christmas songs and some animal sounds.
- Pure auditory agnosia ( agnosia without aphasia ) is found in a patients who can't identify non-speech sounds such as coughing, whistling, and crying but have no deficit in speech comprehension.
- The term " pure word " refers to the fact that comprehension of verbal information is selectively impaired in AVA . For this reason, AVA is distinct from other auditory agnosias in which the recognition of nonspeech sounds is impaired.
- A seventy-four-year-old man named " M " had a special case of auditory agnosia . " M " suffered from, " unilateral left posterior temporal and parietal damage ", ( Saygin, Leech, & Dick, 2010, p . 107 ) including Wernicke's area.